1958 disrepair

今天我们要学的词是 disrepair. Disrepair 名词,意思是“失修,破损”。英国议会最近就皇室的财政状况提出警告:The royal reserve fund for emergencies is down to its last million pounds, while 39 percent of the royal estate remains in disrepair. 应急用的皇家储备金只剩最后100多万英镑,同时,39%的皇室房产依然有待修缮。The US Postal Service's financial troubles have caused many facilities to fall into disrepair.美国邮政系统的财务问题使许多邮局设施变得老旧破败。一份新的报告说,The US economy and labor market remain in deep disrepair. 美国经济和就业市场依然身陷低谷。
好的,今天我们学习的词是 disrepair, disrepair, disrepair...
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