1982 long-running

今天我们要学的词是 long-running. Long-running, 长期上演的。Two stars of the reality show Real Housewives of New Jersey now face prison time after committing long-running financial fraud. 真人秀《新泽西主妇》里的两个明星因为长期进行金融诈骗而面临入狱。Facing the long-running conflict, many Syrians chose to flee the country. 由于叙利亚国内长期冲突,很多叙利亚人选择逃离这个国家。Jerry Seinfeld is best known for his role in the long-running TV series Seinfeld. 杰瑞.宋飞凭借在长期播映的电视剧《宋飞》中的角色而被人们所知。好的,今天我们学习的词是long-running, long-running, long-running.
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