2007 irreversible

今天我们要学的是 irreversible.  Irreversible 是形容词,意思是不可逆转的,无法挽回的。Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Ukrainian leaders against making any irreversible mistakes. 俄罗斯总统普京警告乌克兰领导人,劝他们不要犯下无法挽回的错误。In a report released recently, the UN warned that without checks on emissions, the impacts of climate change will become irreversible. 在最近公布的一份报告中,联合国警告说,如果废气排放得不到控制的话,气候变化造成的影响将再也不法逆转。好的,今天我们学习的词是 irreversible, irreversible, irreversible...
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