2040 accomplishment

今天我们要学的词是 accomplishment. AAccomplishment 名词,意思是成就。美国维吉尼亚州一个八年级的学生在国家地理小蜜蜂知识大赛中获胜。He said winning the competition is his greatest accomplishment so far. 他说,赢得这次比赛是他到目前为止最大的成就。最近有记者采访首都华盛顿乔治敦大学学生,很多人表示支持希拉里.克林顿选总统,不过,Most students couldn't name any of Hillary Clinton's accomplishments during her tenure as Secretary of State. 大多数学生都说不出希拉里.克林顿在担任国务卿期间的任何成就。好的,今天我们学习的词是 accomplishment, accomplishment, accomplishment...
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