2070 involuntary

今天我们要学的词是 involuntary. Involuntary 非自愿的,强迫的。A new Michigan law allows families and health professionals to seek involuntary treatment for substance abusers. 密西根州一项新法允许家人和医务工作者申请让吸毒者接受强迫治疗。美国政府公布的最新数据显示,失业率保持在6.3%,但是兼职人数则显著高于经济危机前的水平。报告还指出,The spike in part-time work since the recession has been largely involuntary. 经济危机后兼职人数的大幅增加在很大程度上并非出于受雇者的本意。好的,今天我们学习的词是 involuntary, involuntary, involuntary...
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