2146 ransom

今天我们要学的词是 ransom. Ransom 名词,意思是赎金。美国财政部说,ISIS has made at least $20 million from ransom payments this year. 伊斯兰国今年光赎金收入就至少有两千万美元。美国财政部一位高级官员表示,Every country must adopt and implement a no-ransom policy to avoid bankrolling our adversary. 要想不成为敌人的金库,每个国家都应该采取并落实拒绝支付赎金的政策。France, Germany and Spain have all reportedly paid ransom money to ISIS. 据报道,法国,德国和西班牙都曾向伊斯兰国支付过赎金。好的,今天我们学习的词是 ransom, ransom, ransom...
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