2151 high-profile

今天我们要学的词是 high-profile.  High-profile 两个单词中间用横杠相连,做形容词,意思是高调的,高知名度的。苹果公司首席执行官库克出柜。Mr. Cook has become the most high-profile gay man in the corporate world. 库克因此成为企业界知名度最高的同性恋。民调显示,马里兰州长选举两位参选人旗鼓相当。Both candidates have been getting high-profile support in recent weeks. 两位候选人最近几周都得到了大牌知名人士的支持。好的,今天我们学习的词是 high-profile, high-profile, high-profile...
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