2156 unilateral

今天我们要学的词是 unilateral. Unilateral 形容词,意思是单方面的。House Speaker John Boehner warned President Obama against unilateral action on immigration reform. 美国国会众议院议长博纳警告奥巴马总统,不要在移民改革的问题上单独采取行动。UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon urged Palestinian and Israeli leaders to halt "unilateral initiatives" that fuel mistrust and thwart peace efforts. 联合国秘书长潘基文敦促巴以双方领导人停止单方面提案,称这样做会加剧互不信任,阻碍和平努力。好的,今天我们学习的词是 unilateral, unilateral, unilateral...
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