2161 tariff

今天我们要学的词是 tariff. Tariff 关税。China and the United States reached an agreement to phase out tariffs on a wide range of technology products. 中国和美国达成协议,逐步减免一系列科技产品的关税。The White House says more than 200 tariffs would be eliminated. 白宫宣布,将有200多项关税被取消。The United States already exports over $2 billion of high tech, high-end semiconductors, even with 25% tariffs. 即便是在现行25%的关税下,美国目前高科技,高端半导体产品的出口额也已高达20多亿美元。好的,今天我们学习的词是 tariff, tariff, tariff...
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