2164 trade-off

今天我们要学的词是 trade-off. Trade-off 两个单词中间用横杠相连,做名词,有交换,折衷的意思。最新调查发现,人们对数据媒体保护个人隐私的能力越来越不信任,然而,They seem to accept the security concerns as trade-offs of living in the digital world. 他们似乎愿意接受这些安全隐患,因为它们是生活在数字世界里的代价。加州通过新法,给选民更多的时间邮寄选票,The trade-off is that it takes the election officials longer to tally the result. 方便选民的同时,选举官员则需要更长时间来清点选票。好的,今天我们学习的词是 trade-off, trade-off, trade-off...
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