2180 treatment

今天我们要学的词是 treatment. Treatment 做为名词,有治疗的意思。2009年到2012年的统计数字显示,美国大约8%的人患有中度或严重抑郁症,然而,Only slightly more than one third of those suffering from severe depression sought medical treatment. 严重抑郁症患者中只有三分之一多一点的人寻求治疗。A new Swedish study shows that using meditation as a treatment for depression may be just as effective as talking to a therapist. 瑞典一项最新研究显示,靠冥想治疗抑郁症,跟去看心理医生效果一样好。好的,今天我们学习的词是 treatment, treatment, treatment...

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