2213 deface

今天我们要学的词是 deface. Deface 动词,意思是对外表进行涂改和破坏。奥斯卡提名影片“美国狙击手”在美国引起争议。A billboard for the film "American Sniper" in Los Angeles was defaced with the word "Murder!" in red paint. 洛杉矶一块电影“美国狙击手”的广告牌被人用红色油漆涂抹上了“谋杀”的字眼。Hackers defaced the Malaysia Airlines website and threatened to post stolen customer information online. 黑客袭击并破坏马航网站,还威胁说要在网上公开盗取来的用户信息。好的,今天我们学习的词是 deface, deface, deface...

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