2329 brief

今天我们要学的词是 brief. Brief 做为动词,有简报,摘要汇报的意思。President Obama made a rare visit to the Pentagon to be briefed on operations against the terrorist group Islamic State. 美国总统奥巴马罕见地前往五角大楼,听取美国打击恐怖组织伊斯兰国行动的简报。美国联邦人事管理局网络系统受到黑客袭击。Rep. Barbara Comstock, whose personal information was also compromised during the attack, wanted to be briefed by OPM on how and why the hack was carried out. 美国联邦众议员康斯托克的个人信息在这次袭击中也被窃,她要求联邦人事管理局向她提供简报,说明这次袭击为什么会发生,是怎么发生的。好的,今天我们学习的词是 brief, brief, brief...

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