2347 backer

今天我们要学的词是 backer. Backer 名词,意思是支持者。统计数字显示,Backers pumped $230 million into the presidential campaigns of Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz by the end of June. 截止到六月底,杰布.布什,希拉里.克林顿和泰德.克鲁兹三人的竞选团队从支持者那里得到的捐赠共计2.3亿美元。美国进出口银行的特许经营权六月底失效。Backers of the Export-Import Bank warned of economic damage if Congress doesn't reauthorize the federal agency. 进出口银行的支持者警告说,如果国会不重新授权,将会使美国经济收到伤害。好的,今天我们学习的词是 backer, backer, backer...

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