2433 riot

今天我们要学的词是 riot. Riot 骚乱,暴乱。French riot police clashed with demonstrators ahead of the Paris climate summit. 巴黎气候峰会召开前,法国防暴警察和示威人群发生冲突。At least six people died during a Guatemalan prison riot. 危地马拉一所监狱发生暴乱,至少造成六人丧生。A violent riot erupted after Macedonian authorities installed a fence along the border with Greece to stop the flow of asylum seekers. 马其顿政府为阻止寻求政治庇护者入境,在马其顿和希腊边境建起围栏,结果引发暴乱。好的,今天我们学习的词是 riot, riot, riot...

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