2492 unlock

今天我们要学的词是 unlock. Unlock 动词,意思是解锁。The FBI and Apple are arguing about the agency's request that Apple help it unlock the cell phone of a terrorist. 美国联邦调查局要求苹果公司协助将一个恐怖分子的手机解锁,双方就此展开论战。Law enforcement agents around the country have said that they have hundreds of iPhones for Apple to unlock if the FBI ends up winning the case. 美国各地执法人员已表示,如果联邦调查局最终赢得此案的话,他们也有数以百计的苹果手机需要让苹果公司解锁。好的,我们今天学习的词是 unlock, unlock, unlock...

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