2493 radioactive

今天我们要学的词是 radioactive. Radioactive 放射性的。The Iraqi authorities have found some potentially deadly radioactive material that had been missing for months. 伊拉克有关当局找到了数月前丢失的一些具有潜在致命杀伤力的放射性物质。国际原子能机构负责人警告说,放射性物质落入恐怖分子手中的威胁不容忽视。The International Atomic Energy Agency has received nearly 2,800 reports of radioactive material gone missing since 1995. 1995年以来,国际原子能机构已经收到了近2800份放射性物质丢失的报告。 好的,我们今天学习的词是 radioactive, radioactive, radioactive....

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