251 crisis

今天我们要学的词是crisis。 Crisis, 是危机的意思,是一个很常用的词。Economic crisis, 是经济危机;political crisis, 是政治危机。美国星期一表示,本周将跟伊朗直接会谈,讨论伊拉克危机。媒体报道说,"The United States said Monday it would hold direct talks with Iran this week to discuss the crisis in Iraq."

大家肯定还记得十年前爆发的亚洲金融危机。媒体说,亚洲国家从那次危机中吸取了很多教训, "Asian countries learned many lessons from the 1997-1998 financial crisis." 好的,今天我们学习的词是crisis...

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