2537 overturn

今天我们要学的词是 overturn. Overturn 动词,有推翻,废除的意思。U.S. President Barack Obama called for North Carolina to overturn a state law that requires transgender people to use public bathrooms according to the sex on their birth certificates. 美国总统奥巴马呼吁北卡罗来纳州废除要求跨性别者按出生性别使用公共厕所的州立法。Tennessee’s House of Representatives failed to overturn Governor Bill Haslam’s veto of a bill to designate the Bible as the “official book” of Tennessee. 田纳西州议会众议院没能推翻州长哈斯拉姆对把圣经定为田纳西州“州书”的否决。好的,我们今天学习的词是 overturn, overturn, overturn...

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