2560 visa free

今天我们要学的词是 visa-free. Visa-free 免签的。The European Commission reached a preliminary agreement, making it easier to suspend visa-free travel for non-E.U. citizens from certain countries. 欧洲委员会达成初步协议,更便于暂停非欧盟特定国家公民所享受的免签待遇。German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Turkey to meet all conditions set by the European Union before its citizens can enjoy visa-free travel. 德国总理默克尔敦促土耳其满足欧盟提出的全部条件,这样土耳其公民才能享受免签旅行的待遇。好的,我们今天学习的词是 visa-free, visa-free, visa-free...

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