2693 cronyism

今天我们要学的词是 cronyism. Cronyism 名词,任人唯亲。South Korean President Park Geun-hye has been named a suspect in a cronyism scandal that has gripped the nation. 在一起牵动全国神经的任人唯亲丑闻案中,韩国总统朴槿惠被确定为涉案嫌疑人。A new report by a South African watchdog agency reveals widespread corruption and cronyism at the highest level of President Jacob Zuma's government. 南非一个监督组织的最新报告指出,南非总统祖马政府最高层普遍存在腐败和任人唯亲的情况。好的,我们今天学习的词是 cronyism, cronyism, cronyism...

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