275 pitfall

今天我们要学的词是pitfall。 Pitfall是陷阱和隐患的意思。 To heed the pitfalls, 是注意隐患,to avoid the pitfalls, 是避开隐藏的危险。

美国人喜欢用信用卡消费。理财专家警告说,"Running up credit-card debt is one of the most common pitfalls affecting a person's financial success," 意识是说信用卡上债务的不断积累,是个人财务管理方面最常见的隐患之一。"Another pitfall is not to save for your retirement early in life," 另外一大隐患是不及早为退休存钱。好的,今天我们学习的词是pitfall...

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