2767 critical point

今天我们要学的词是 critical point. Critical point 关键时刻。联合国人道行动协调人表示,非洲和中东四个国家两千万人面临被饿死的威胁。He called the crisis the largest since 1945 and claimed “we stand at a critical point in history.” 他称这是1945年以来最严重的危机,并声称,“我们正处于历史的关键时刻”。阿里巴巴集团召开首届技术大会。Jeff Zhang, Chief Technology Officer of Alibaba said the company has reached “a critical point in technology innovation.” 阿里巴巴首席技术官张建锋说,阿里巴巴正处于技术创新的临界点。好的,我们今天学习的词是 critical point, critical point, critical point...

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