2833 expand

今天我们要学的词是expand。Expand动词,意思是扩大、发展。German grocery chain Aldi said it would invest $3.4 billion to expand its U.S. store base to 2,500 by 2022. 德国连锁超市阿尔迪表示,将投资34亿美元,在2022年前使其在美国的店面数量基础扩大到2500家。The Tanzania Ports Authority signed a $154 million contract with China Harbor Engineering Company to expand the nation's main port Dar es Salaam. 坦桑尼亚港务局与中国港湾工程有限责任公司签订一份价值1.54亿美元的合同,来扩大该国的主要港口达累斯萨拉姆。好的,我们今天学习的词是expand, expand, expand...

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