2843 scandal

今天我们要学的词是scandal。Scandal名词,意思是丑闻、流言蜚语。After six months of scandals and public relations crises, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick resigned. 经历了六个月的丑闻和公关危机后,优步公司首席执行官特拉维斯·卡兰尼克辞职了。According to an auditor's report, state companies at the heart of Mozambique's debt scandal failed to account for at least a quarter of more than $2 billion in questionable loans. 一份审计报告显示,处于莫桑比克债务危机中心的国有公司无法就至少一个季度中20多亿的争议性贷款做出合理解释。 好的,我们今天学习的词是scandal, scandal, scandal...

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