2887 ride out

今天我们要学的词组是ride out。Ride out,意思是安全度过。People who rode out Hurricane Harvey in devastated Rockport, Texas, described how their houses felt like they were breathing. 那些在满目苍夷的德州罗克伯特市安全度过飓风哈维的人们,描述了当时他们的房子是如何感觉好像在呼吸一样的。Donie Hatcher-Walters and her family live near Galveston, Texas, and decided to stay home and ride out Hurricane Harvey there. 多尼·哈彻-沃尔特斯和她的家人住在德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿附近,他们决定留守在家里,来安全度过飓风哈维。好的,我们今天学习的词组是ride out, ride out, ride out...

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