298 curfew

今天我们要学的词是curfew。 Curfew, 是宵禁的意思。缅甸最近发生大规模抗议示威活动,政府星期二宣布在仰光和曼德勒实行60天的宵禁, "The government imposed a 60-day curfew in Rangoon and Mandalay on Tuesday."

为了防止青少年闹事,美国一些城市实行夜间宵禁, "Many cities impose a midnight curfew to prevent teenagers from getting into trouble." 有些家长也会给孩子规定晚上回家的时间, "The kids will be in trouble if they stay out past their curfew>" 超过了这个时间,他们可就要遭殃了。好的,今天我们学习的词是curfew...

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