2988 intact

今天我们要学的词是 intact. Intact 形容词,原封不动的,完好无损的。U.S. President Donald Trump will extend sanctions relief granted to Iran under its 2015 nuclear deal, leaving the accord intact for now. 美国总统川普将延长让伊朗免受制裁的2015年伊朗核协议,暂时保持协议的完整性。A vodka bottle worth $1.3 million that was stolen from a bar in Copenhagen has been recovered, dented and empty of alcohol but otherwise intact. 在哥本哈根一个酒吧失窃的一个价值130万美元的伏特加酒瓶被找到,瓶子有磕碰的痕迹,里面的酒也没了,但除此以外完好无损。好的,我们今天学习的词是intact, intact, intact ...

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