3014 Down syndrome

今天我们要学的词是 down syndrome. Down syndrome 唐氏综合症。An 18-month-old baby with Down syndrome has been chosen by baby food maker Gerber as its “Spokesbaby” for 2018. 一个18个月大患有唐氏综合症的幼儿被美国幼儿食品公司嘉宝公司挑选为2018年“代言幼儿”。There is a pending bill in Utah to prevent doctors from performing abortions on the basis of a Down syndrome diagnosis. 美国犹他州一项有待投票的议案将禁止医生对被诊断出唐氏综合症的胎儿实施流产。好的,我们今天学习的词是down syndrome, down syndrome, down syndrome ...

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