3040 crowdfunding

今天我们要学的词是crowdfunding. Crowdfunding 众筹。Investors have pledged $200 million and hope to raise four times that amount in crowdfunding in order to bid for up to 400 of the Toys “R” Us stores being liquidated in bankruptcy. 投资人集资2亿美元,并打算众筹8亿美元,投标收购多达400家破产清算的反斗城玩具店。Former adult film star Stormy Daniels raised $160,000 in just two days through crowdfunding as part of her lawsuit against President Trump. 前成人电影女星风暴·丹尼尔斯两天众筹16万多美元,用于跟川普总统打官司。好的,我们今天学习的词是crowdfunding, crowdfunding, crowdfunding ...

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