3101 reunite

今天我们要学的词是reunite. Reunite作为动词,有团聚,重逢的意思。U.S. President Donald Trump told federal agencies to reunite immigrant families separated after illegally crossing into the country from Mexico. 美国总统川普下令联邦机构,让那些从墨西哥非法入境后被分开的家庭团聚。However, experts say there is no system in place to reunite separated families, and it is easier said than done. 然而,有关专家说,目前并没有帮助离散家庭团聚的相关体系,因此这件事说起来容易,落实恐怕并不简单。好的,我们今天学习的词是 reunite, reunite, reunite ...

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