3139 relocation

今天我们要学的词是 relocation. Relocation 意思是迁移,重新安置。Tens of thousands of protesters in Okinawa vowed to stop the planned relocation of a U.S military base, saying they want it off the southern Japanese island entirely. 数以万计民众在冲绳岛抗议,誓言阻止美军基地的迁移计划,要求美军撤出冲绳岛。Human Rights Watch is opposed to Bangladesh's plan to consider a small, uninhabited island as a relocation option for Rohingya refugees. 人权观察对孟加拉国将一个无人居住的小岛做为重新安置罗兴亚人难民的一种选项提出反对。好的,我们今天学习的词是relocation, relocation, relocation ...

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