3172 exert

今天我们要学的词是 exert.

Exert 是使用,发挥,施加的意思,U.S. President Donald Trump said it was “too soon” for Washington to talk to Beijing about working out a trade deal, suggesting U.S. tariffs have yet to exert enough pressure to force Beijing into making concessions. 美国总统特朗普表示,华盛顿与北京就达成贸易协议开始谈判还“为时尚早”,暗示美国的关税还没有发挥足够压力迫使北京做出让步。

A recent UN report says a number of ill-defined laws are used in Myanmar to exert control over independent journalists and to deter them from reporting on critical issues. 联合国最近的一份报告称,缅甸使用一些模糊的法律来控制独立记者,阻止他们对关键问题进行报道

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