3192 capitulation

今天我们要学的词是 capitulation.

capitulation 的意思是投降,让步,被迫接受。As China's yuan sank to a 10-year low against the dollar, many speculate that Chinese authorities are likely to take measures to prevent a capitulation beyond the 7 level. 随着人民币对美元汇率跌至10年来的最低点,许多人猜测当局可能会采取措施防止汇率跌破1比7。

Rights activists describe Google's secretive plan to build a search engine that would comply with Chinese censorship as "an alarming capitulation by Google on human rights." 维权人士形容谷歌迎合中国审查标准建立一个搜索引擎的秘密计划是“谷歌在人权问题上令人担忧的让步”。

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