3216 foretell

今天我们要学的词是 foretell.

foretell 的意思是预言,预示。President Trump's meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Buenos Aires could foretell whether the US and China are destined to enter a new era of Cold War-like confrontation. 特朗普总统与中国领导人习近平在布宜诺斯艾利斯的会晤可能预示出美中两国是否注定要进入一个类似冷战的新时代。

The inceased oil inventory plus a strengthening dollar resulted in low oil prices, which economists warn could foretell a sooner-than-expected global slowdown. 石油库存增加加上美元强势导致油价下跌,经济学家警告说,这可能预示全球经济放缓的速度将超过预期。

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