3219 revert

今天我们要学的词是 revert.

revert 的意思是还原,复原。U.S. President Donald Trump said that if a trade deal with China was possible, it would get done, but if the two sides could not resolve their disputes he would revert to tariffs. 美国总统特朗普表示,如果有可能与中国达成贸易协议,那么就会达成,但如果双方无法解决争端,他将恢复加征关税。

The recent U.S. mid-term elections show that third-party candidates tend to poll better than they actually perform on Election Day, when voters tend to revert to the two major parties. 美国最近的中期选举显示,两党之外候选人的民调往往比实际投票成绩要好,选民在投票时一般会回归两大政党。

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