3251 lethal

今天我们要学的词是 lethal.

lethal 的意思是致命的、有杀伤力的。US Military analysts are increasingly concerned about North Korea's “advanced, underestimated and highly lethal” bioweapons program. 美国军方分析人士越来越担忧朝鲜“先进的、被低估而有高度杀伤力”的生化武器计划。

Israel's new military chief pledged to lead a "lethal, efficient and innovative army" into the future as it faces grave challenges along its borders. 以色列新上任的军事首脑承诺,将率领一支“有杀伤力的,高效、创新的军队”来应对以色列边境面临的严峻挑战。

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