326 picket

今天我们要学的词是picket。 Picket, 是抗议示威的意思。美国编剧协会跟电影电视制作人联盟的谈判失败,决定举行抗议示威, "Writers in Los Angeles plan to picket outside of 14 studios until a new deal is reached." 在洛杉矶,剧作家们计划在14个制片公司外面抗议,直到达成新协议为止。

"The teachers picketed outside of the school building to express their frustration over low wages," 教师们在校舍外示威,对低工资表示不满。"The pilots continue to picket because of benefit cuts," 飞机驾驶员们继续为抗议削减福利举行示威。好的,今天我们学习的词是picket...

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