3334 bevy

今天我们要学的词是 bevy.

bevy 是个量词,指一群,一堆,特别是相似的人或事。Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson pushed back against a bevy of criticism from Democratic lawmakers over a proposal that would exclude illegal immigrants from public housing. 美国住房和城市发展部部长本·卡森对民主党议员针对一项不允许非法移民享受公共住房提案的批评言论予以回击。

Silicon Valley firms face a bevy of state, federal and international regulators, which all may act against them. 硅谷的公司面对一大批州、联邦和国际监管机构,这些机构都可能对他们采取行动。

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