3385 moratorium

今天我们要学的词是 moratorium.


moratorium 的意思是暂停,暂缓执行。 In response to President Donald Trump's call for tougher penalties on violent crimes, the U.S. Justice Department lifted a federal moratorium on the death penalty. 美国司法部对特朗普总统要求对暴力犯罪进行更严厉处罚做出回应,取消了联邦暂停执行死刑的规定。

The WHO issued a statement urging that all countries should not allow any further experiments using Crispr to alter babies' DNA, but stopped short of a full moratorium. 世界卫生组织发表声明,呼吁各国不再允许使用 Crispr 基因编辑技术修改人类婴儿DNA的实验,但没有对此全面叫停。

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