3549 monolithic

今天我们要学的词是 monolithic. Monolithic is spelled M-O-N-O-L-I-T-H-I-C, monolithic.

Monolithic 的意思是一整块的,整体的。In a speech at the National Religious Broadcasters annual convention in Nashville, U.S. Attorney General William Barr said the mainstream press has become "remarkably monolithic in viewpoint." 在纳什维尔市举行的全美宗教广播公司年度大会上,美国司法部长巴尔发表演讲说,主流媒体已经“超乎异常地统一口径。”

Although black Americans represent a larger voting bloc in the U.S., they are continued to be framed as s monolithic group by major polls, while white people were disaggregated by age, political identification and education. 尽管美国黑人代表着一个巨大的选民群体,但主要民调组织仍把他们视为一个整体,而把白人按年龄、政治认同和教育程度进行分类。

好的,我们今天学习的词是monolithic, monolithic, monolithic.

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