391 helicopter parent

今天我们要学的词是helicopter parent。 Helicopter parent, 直升机父母?没错。"Helicopter parents, like a helicopter, they hover closely overhead, rarely out of reach whether their children need them or not," 这些直升机父母,真的就像直升机一样,不管孩子需不需要他们,一直在头上盘旋。

Helicopter parent是直升机父母,那么他们的教育方式就被称为helicopter parenting,直升机父母式的教育。现在啊,"Psychologists see negative effects of 'helicopter parenting,'" 心理学家发现直升机父母式的教育有很多坏处。看来作个直升机父母不见得是好事。最后我们要问一句:"Are you a helicopter parent?"

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