425 affair

今天我们要学的词是affair。 Affair, 是有风流韵事的意思。"An extramarital affair," 就是一段婚外情。美国纽约的前州长斯皮策因为招妓丑闻刚下台,继任的州长佩特森就召开记者会,主动交待自己几年前的婚外情。"Mr. Paterson hoped his openness about his past affairs would help him gain the trust of New Yorkers," 佩特森希望自己的公开坦率能够赢得纽约人的信任。"He said no state funds were used when he was involved in his affairs," 不过他同时表示,不曾把州政府的资金用在自己的风流韵事上。好的,今天我们学习的词是affair...
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