441 deadline

今天我们要学的词是deadline。 Deadline, 是最后期限的意思。4月15号是美国人交纳所得税的最后期限。"April 15th is the income tax filing deadline," 民主党总统提名的宾夕法尼亚州党内初选下星期二举行。"Absentee voters have to send in their ballots before this Tuesday's deadline," 缺席投票的选民必须在本周二最后期限之前将选票寄到规定部门。"Yahoo is facing an April 26th deadline to accept a $42B offer from Microsoft," 雅虎要在4月26号最后期限之前决定是否接受微软提出的420亿美元的收购案。好的,今天我们学习的词是deadline...
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