476 upscale

今天我们要学的词是upscale。 Upscale, 是高档的,高阶层的。 "An upscale community," 就是一个高档社区。巴基斯坦首都星期一发生炸弹爆炸。 "A bomb exploded outside the Danish Embassy in an upscale area," 炸弹是在位于高阶层社区的丹麦大使馆外面爆炸的。 "The developer plans to turn the old castle into an upscale hotel," 开发商计划将这座古城堡改建成一个高档宾馆。 "The upscale fashion brand aims at young career women," 这款高档时装品牌的销售对象主要是年轻的职业女性。好的,今天我们学习的词是upscale...
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