487 beeline

今天我们要学的词是beeline。 Beeline, 是蜜蜂采蜜后径直回家的线路,两点间的最短距离,作为动词,就是直奔的意思。 "He made a beeline to the bar after work," 一下班,他就直奔酒吧。 "The ambulance made a beeline to the nearest hospital," 救护车直奔最近的医院。 "We made a beeline home before the storm broke," 我们在暴风雨之前赶回家。

美元贬值,吸引了很多前来购物的外国游客。 "Many foreign tourists make a beeline to the shopping malls upon arrival," 很多外国游客一落地,就直奔购物中心。好的,今天我们学习的词是beeline...

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