489 license

今天我们要学的词是license。 License, 是执照、证书的意思。 "A driver's license," 驾驶执照。 "A liquor license," 卖酒的执照。美国很多地方钓鱼都需要执照。 "I bought a lifetime fishing license for my dad as a retirement gift," 我给父亲买了一个终身钓鱼许可证,作为退休的礼物。

根据加州最高法院裁决,加州各县本周开始向同性恋者颁发结婚证书。 "Same-sex couples are rushing to county clerks' offices to obtain marriage licenses and exchanges vows," 同性恋情侣纷纷赶往县政府,领取结婚证书,交换结婚誓言。好的,今天我们学习的词是license...

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