581 high-end

今天我们要学的词是high-end。 High-end, 是高档的意思。 "My brother is very much into high-end audio equipments," 我哥哥对高档音响设备特别喜欢。 "Local residents welcome the opening of the high-end retail stores," 当地居民欢迎高档零售商店在附近开张。

最近,共和党副总统候选人萨拉·佩林的服饰成了舆论的焦点。 "The Republican National Committee paid some $150,000 for clothes from high-end stores for Sarah Palin and her family," 共和党全国委员会花了大约十五万美元,在高档服装店为萨拉·佩林和她的家人制装。好的,今天我们学习的词是high-end...

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