601 fatigue

今天我们要学的词是fatigue。 Fatigue, 是疲惫的意思。 "The soldiers suffered from physical and mental fatigue after the battle," 战役结束后,士兵们身心交瘁。在道路安全方面, "Driver fatigue is a deadly problem," 驾驶疲劳是一件很要命的事情。

加拿大六月份公布的一项研究说, "Up to 19% of all fatal collisions are caused by fatigue," 致命的车祸中多达19%都是由司机过于疲劳造成的。 "There is no better cure for driver fatigue than a good night's sleep," 要治愈司机疲劳,没有比好好睡一晚上更管用的了。好的,今天我们学习的词是fatigue...

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