611 zero in on

今天我们要学的词是zero in on。 Zero in on, 是集中火力,集中注意力的意思。 "U.S. Congress and the White House is zeroing in on plans to rescue U.S. automakers," 美国白宫和国会集中精力,协商拯救美国汽车制造厂商的计划。 "The police are zeroing in on the suspect while the family prays for the safe return of the missing girl," 警方集中对嫌疑人进行调查的同时,失踪女孩的家人祈祷她能安全归来。 "Hackers zero in on online stock accounts," 骇客集中对网上的股票交易帐户展开袭击。好的,今天我们学习的词是zero in on...
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